Tag Archives: jewelry

Let’s Party

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we have created fiber art to help you celebrate the season. Our gallery shines with holiday spirit – unique gifts to give, lovely pieces to wear, and enchanting and decorative works for the home.

Day of the Dead

Our artists and craftpersons are influenced by this iconic celebration. Themed work will be eligible for recognition by the jurors. Non-themed work may also be exhibited. (Image: “Sugar Skulls” felted scarf, by Grace Mahanes)

It’s a Jungle Out There

Cheetahs, lions, rhinos, monkeys, hippos, and the lands that they inhabit serve as inspiration for the pieces in this show. Themed work will be eligible for recognition by the jurors. Non-themed work may also be exhibited.

Some Like It Hot

Our artists and craftpersons are influenced by the weather and the beautiful colors of the summer season. Themed work will be eligible for recognition by the jurors. Non-themed work may also be exhibited.

Labyrinths and Mazes

Labyrinths and/or Mazes lead us on surprising journeys. Sometimes one is led to success and sometimes one hits a dead end. Our members have pushed their paths and have come up with wonderful results. Themed work will be eligible for recognition by the jurors. Non-themed work may also be exhibited. Detail image of scarf by Grace Mahanes

Environmental Elements

Our artists and their creations are influenced by environmental elements such as air quality, noise, climate, fish and wildlife migration routes, and unique animal species – the list goes on and on. Themed work is eligible for recognition by the jurors. Non-themed work is also exhibited.

East Meets West

Ikat weaving, Batik, Sashiko embroidery, Shibori dyeing, hand stamping, and a myriad of other Eastern techniques and clothing styles are integrated with Western designs and techniques. Non-themed work will also be exhibited. (Image: detail of jacket, Gretchen Klimoski)

Good Luck Charms

A very special found object, a four leaf clover, a rainbow, a wishbone, a charm on a bracelet – these objects all served as inspiration to our members when creating pieces for this show. Non-themed work is also exhibited.