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Pansies with a bee

30"x40", acrylic, canvas.
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Shogun, web, watermark


30"x24", acrylic, 24 karat gold leaf, wood cradled panel.
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king passion

A King’s Passion, the Book

I am delighted to finally get my order of the...
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Stories of God and Gods

In Africa, we have many gods, and they work together....
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Hyun Jung Kim received her BFA and MFA from the Department of Sculpture at Seoul National University, in Korea, and her MFA from Montclair State University, in the United States, where she went on to teach for nine years. She has participated in numerous exhibitions including at the Newark Museum, Belskie Museum, A.I.R. Gallery, PPOW Gallery, and George Segal Gallery. Recently, Kim has invited for a solo exhibition at Woman’s National Democratic Club, in D. C. and her work became the collections of Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations in NY and Capital One headquarter in Richmond. Kim has participated in major international art fairs in Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, Palm Beach, and Miami to introduce works to art lovers and professionals. Hyun Jung Kim recently exhibited her works in Athens, Greece, SOFA Chicago and SCOPE New York as well as being selected as an associate artist of Torpedo Factory Art Center in Virginia.