Exhibition Dates: July 13 – September 29, 2024

Presented by the City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts and Virginia Tech’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT).

Invasive species reshape the biosphere, threatening native biodiversity & ecosystem on which society depends, with cascading effects. Through analyzed data & visualize audio, visitors will experience an invasion of immersive soundscapes and moving imagery of nature changing by the presence of invasive species.

Invasive species are one of the five factors reshaping the biosphere, threatening native biodiversity, ecosystem services on which society depends, and human health. Exotic invasive species occur on all continents and oceans, and in some cases have caused the extinction of species.

In some cases the impacts from invasive species are obvious, like the monocultural curtains of kudzu blanketing the southern US. Others may not be as visually obvious, but have strong direct and cascading influences to the ecological functioning of an ecosystem and its native biota.

One such impact may occur on the soundscape of the landscape. There is an emerging interest in ecology about the changes to the soundscape of nature and the impacts this has for species ability to adapt and persist.

Often this is in response to some anthropogenic change like roads, but invasive species can change the composition of a community by either adding or removing species as well as changing the structure of a community–all of which can alter the soundscape and functioning of a place.

Researchers and creators include David Franusich, Grace O’Malley, Jacob Barney, Joe Drake, and Meryl Mims.

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Powered by advanced technology and networks of creative people, the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) brings together and supports teams of faculty and students from across academic disciplines to address grand challenges and creative opportunities, ranging from large societal problems to industry-specific issues to the frontiers of artistic expression.

The Office of The Arts promotes the value of arts and culture in Alexandria by nurturing, investing in and celebrating the creative contributions of artists and arts organizations. Through engaging the community, encouraging participation, and facilitating access to the arts, the Office of the Arts works with local artists and arts organizations to build a vibrant community for all of the City’s residents, workers and visitors.

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Target Gallery

 Target Gallery is the contemporary exhibition space for the Torpedo Factory Art Center. We host eight exhibitions annually featuring a variety of themes, artists, and media focused on the latest trends in contemporary art.
*  Target Gallery is closed on all City holidays

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