WELCOME TO THE TORPEDO FACTORY ART CENTER, part of the City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts, a division of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA). Our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who visits or works in this facility. To accomplish this goal, we have established rules that govern the conduct of patrons while in RPCA facilities.


  1. Use of or being under the influence of illegal drugs, or possession of illegal drugs.
  2. The consumption of alcohol without obeying all state law and approval from the City through a rental, lease, memorandum of agreement, or by being served by the City.
  3. Damage to public or private property.
  4. Using abusive, threatening or obscene language, shouting, making loud noise, gestures or playing an electronic device (such as a radio or CD player) without earphones.
  5. Obstructing or hindering the passage of other individuals to offices or services within the building.
  6. Smoking, electronic cigarettes, lighting matches or engaging in any activity that causes the release of fumes, dust or smoke, or that may set off fire alarms or sprinklers.
  7. Gambling, soliciting money or services, selling or taking orders for merchandise or services without expressed approval from the City through a rental, lease, or memorandum of agreement.
  8. Distributing or posting advertisements, order forms, fliers or any other materials without the approval of the City.
  9. Children under the age of six (6) and children with special needs may use the opposite gender’s restroom when accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children aged six (6) and older are required to use the restroom for their gender. Upon request, RPCA staff shall have the authority to provide accommodations when and where feasible for families with special needs or circumstances. Specific language for posting: “Children under the age of six (6), and children with special needs, may use the opposite gender’s restroom when accompanied by a parent or guardian. During such use, parents or guardians must be aware of and respect the need to protect the privacy of other users.”
  10. Entering an employee’s workplace, or a leased premise, without consent or refusal to leave the space when instructed to do so.
  11. Entering or remaining in any space where the posted occupancy has been met or exceeded.
  12. Not obeying City posted signs or entering emergency spaces when no emergency is in effect.
  13. Entering or remaining in the building after public closing hours unless escorted by staff or a tenant of the facility.
  14. Washing clothing or similar materials.
  15. Sleeping anywhere in the building.
  16. Bringing any animal into the building except for a guide, hearing, service dog, or pet dog on a leash. The Torpedo Factory Art Center is a dog-friendly facility. Patrons should follow the rules and regulations posted for public dog parks to determine acceptable behavior (see City Code Section 6-1-8).
  17. Committing or threatening to commit any act that is subject to criminal prosecution.
  18. Use of threatening language, actions or harassment of any kind toward City of Alexandria staff, tenants or visitors to the center.
  19. Fighting.
  20. Loitering inside or immediately outside the facility. Loitering is the act of remaining in or around a public place for a protracted time without engaging in the purpose of the facility.
  21. Consuming food or beverages in unauthorized areas.
  22. Bringing a concealed firearm into the facility without a valid permit to do so under the Code of Virginia or an exemption from this permit requirement by the Code of Virginia. Non- firearms weapons may not be brought into the facility.


The Department of Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities reserves the right to suspend participation or, through the Alexandria Police Department, ban a visitor from any facility/center as the result of behavior problems that disrupt programs and/or participants.

WARNING: Torpedo Factory Art Center may be under video surveillance by the City of Alexandria. All activity may be recorded.

To request a reasonable accommodation, please send an email to torpedofactory@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.4570, Virginia Relay 711.