Going Green
Studio 19 - Scope Gallery[…]
New TAG exhibit, “Layers,” opens March 30
Gallery 311 - The Van Landingham GalleryBev Andrews, Jo Ann Tooley, Ann Noel and Gail Spencer Saour reveal the depths of their art, which they achieve through layers of colors, lines, patterns, and images.
Salon: An Artful Conversation
Torpedo Factory Art CenterEvery first Thursday, enjoy a lively, friendly conversation between participants and a gifted and knowledgeable presenter.
Diorama 88 by Virginia Irby-Maxwell
Diorama 88 by Virginia Irby-Maxwell
April All-Media Exhibit
A juried exhibit of artwork in all media by Art League artists.
Bits & Pieces
An all-media exhibit by Art League member artists.
Promise of Spring
Studio 28 - Enamelists GalleryOur enamels use soft colors and bold images to welcome spring!