Studio 21 - The Art League Gallery


Geometry Glitz

Studio 29 - Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery



Highest Honor Unfurling

Torpedo Factory Art Center

Join us on Veterans’ Day for the final reveal & public reception of Andy Yoder’s 25-ft banner demonstrating the power of art to cut across boundaries & bring people together.

Let There be Light

Studio 19 - Scope Gallery


Holiday Ceramics Sale

The Art League School

Purchase one-of-a-kind ceramic vessels and sculptures created by Art League students and ceramics associates!

Contact Us

Torpedo Factory Art Center
105 N. Union St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Email: [email protected]
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Open Daily

Visit Daily10 a.m. - 6 p.m.*

Masks are optional for visitors, artists, and staff, though may be required in some studios and galleries. Check Today’s Hours for expanded information.

The Torpedo Factory Art Center is closed for New Year's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

* Periodic 5 p.m. closure for private events. See dates on Today’s Hours.

Studio and Gallery Hours

Artists maintain their own studio hours. It's best to confirm availability before your visit.

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