‘Acorn Envy,’ ink and natural pigment Chinese brushpainting on buff rice paper by Tracie Griffith Tso of Reston, Va.
Fire On artists embrace a throwback palette and retro energy in celebration of the Torpedo Factory Art Center’s 50th anniversary.
Mid-century forms come in statement vases in groovy green and toasty orange earthiness. Artists have experimented with fab splashy abstract patterned dishware ideal for chillin.’ Disco meets boogie woggie in kilnformed glassware as light plays with hip movement resulting in trippy trays, blazin’ bowls and primo plates.
Artists put power in flowers, imprinting organics into art everyone digs including bud vases, tiles, plates, sculptures and original cards and prints.
Free birds are on platters, mugs and inspired hung creations. Or consider taking a walk on the wild side with face jugs, animal-themed art and abstract figural and geometric sculptures.
Our gallery, founded in 1976, is stayin’ alive, so come visit, shop and get some good vibes.
Fire On Studio 22 offers various treatments of glass and pottery the first floor of the Torpedo Factory Art Center 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and will be open until 10 p.m. for the 50th Anniversary celebration on Friday, September 13. Bring home an original from potters Brian Grow @b.d.grow Scott Kaye @scottkayepottery Bikki Stricker @cerambik Elke Seefeldt @rayelke Tracie Griffith Tso @traciegriffithtso Amanda Traub @amandalynneceramics and kilnformed glass artist Sandi Martina @sandimartina_glass