Presented by the City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts and Virginia Tech’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT).
Meander through Shakespeare’s Garden to experience his works through immersive imagery and soundscapes. Explore the garden’s multiple layers of rich sound through ambient Garden soundscapes, and step into the texts of Shakespeare to hear recordings of his sonnets, soliloquies, and scenes reimagined and performed by Virginia Tech students.
Three installations (2, 3, & 4) project Shakespearean texts and integrate images: blooming flowers, cool rains, and a windy moonlit evening. Composed soundscapes include field recordings of nature that harmonize into rhythms and textures.
Imagery and sound continuously loop. Linger, revisit, and explore to hear the complete texts and soundscapes. Pick up a gallery handout when you visit or download a copy here to learn more.
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Creative Team:
Conceived and Co-Directed by: Amanda Nelson, Associate Professor, Theatre
Co-Directed by: Natasha Staley, Associate Professor, Theatre
Music Composition by: Charles Nichols, Associate Professor, Music
Motion Graphics and Graphic Design by: Meaghan Dee, Associate Professor, Graphic Design
Technical Direction and Multimedia Technology by: Tanner Upthegrove, Immersive Audio Specialist, Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
This project was first produced in The Cube at Virginia Tech in 2018. In addition to those credited above, the original installation included the following collaborators: Joe Court, recording engineer; John Ambrosone, lighting designer; Jamie Lindsay, project manager; Joseph Fry, technical director; and Kate Murphy, production advisor. The original installation was supported by the following entities at Virginia Tech: Center for Humanities, School of Performing Arts, School of Visual Arts, and the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT), and through a grant from the Voice and Speech Trainers Associations (VASTA).
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Powered by advanced technology and networks of creative people, the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) brings together and supports teams of faculty and students from across academic disciplines to address grand challenges and creative opportunities, ranging from large societal problems to industry-specific issues to the frontiers of artistic expression.
The Office of The Arts promotes the value of arts and culture in Alexandria by nurturing, investing in and celebrating the creative contributions of artists and arts organizations. Through engaging the community, encouraging participation, and facilitating access to the arts, the Office of the Arts works with local artists and arts organizations to build a vibrant community for all of the City’s residents, workers and visitors.
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