A King’s Passion, the Book

I am delighted to finally get my order of the recently published book A King’s Passion: A 21st Century Patron of African Art. The book is on the art collection of a true Igbo king. The eulogies about His Royal Majesty Igwe Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe will need the writing of many other books. Long story short- it will derail my thoughts about this heavy coffee table book. I wrote a story about one of our meetings when the king paused a council meeting to see my paintings. It was a special moment- seeing this true Igbo king and his council members coming out to see Art. The story of that meeting is included in the book The Kingly Passion. That story is on page 151, besides a cropped image of my painting on page 150. My biography is on page 500 with photographs of some of my paintings from pages 501- 504. Click on this link to buy the book directly from Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Kings-Passion-21st-Century-Patron-African/dp/B0CFGGDC8S