
The Alexandria Archaeology Museum is located on the 3rd floor of the Art Center.

Due to its unique Archaeological Protection Code, The City of Alexandria preserves, manages, and interprets the archaeological resources important to the community’s past. This knowledge is shared through the Alexandria Archaeology Museum, part of the Office of Historic Alexandria.

Professional archaeologists, volunteers and students work with citizens and developers to tell the story of Alexandria’s past. City archaeologists review all proposed construction in the City to assess the likelihood that work will impact significant archaeological resources. Sites can then be  excavated in advance of development to learn more about the past.


Preserving Alexandria’s Maritime Heritage focuses on the recent discovery of four ships along the city’s waterfront. It documents one of the ship’s journey from excavation to conservation. View a 3D model of one of the historic vessels and find out how archaeologists are answering questions about the age and use of the ships, and what role they may have played in the early port city and in the broader 18th century maritime world.

A Community Digs Its Past: The Lee Street Site uses the excavation of one city block, at the corner of Queen and South Lee streets, to explore the steps of archaeology as well as the history of Alexandria. This site presented a microcosm of the City, including 18th century wharves, 19th century residences, shops, taverns and warehouses, and a support complex for Union hospitals during the Civil War.

Changing exhibits display a variety of other discoveries. These may include artifacts from prehistoric sites, an 18th century tavern, Civil War sites, or finds from the most recent excavation. Throughout the week, visitors can ask questions of the archaeologists and volunteers working in the public lab.


Alexandria Adventure Lessons demonstrate the step-by-step process of archaeology through hands-on group activities using artifacts from the Alexandria Archaeology collection.

Contact the Museum to schedule a lesson for your school class, scout group, birthday party, summer camp, or adult and senior groups. Outreach programs are also available. (A small fee is charged for scheduled programs. Programs are free for Alexandria City Public Schools.)

Visit the Archaeology Museum’s website, subscribe to eNews, follow Alexandria Archaeology on social media, or join the Friends of Alexandria Archaeology for news about upcoming lectures, Dig Days, family programs and other special events.